House Yoga ( Brighu Nandi Nadi) :


  1. If Venus is posited in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th house from Jupiter, the native will have own house.


  1. If the 4th house lord from Jupiter is posited in 1st,

2nd, 3rd, 5th, 9th, 11th house, the native will have own house. If 4th house Lord from Jup is posited in 6th, 8th and 12th house, the house property may be under litigation or the native will be devoid of house yoga.


  1. If Ketu is posited in 1st, 2nd, 5th or 9th house from Venus, the native will not have house yoga or will have to dispose of his own house due to debts.


  1. If Venus is conjoined with Mercury or Rahu or Saturn or Mars, the Native will have own house. But only if the above conditions apply.


  1. If Mars is conjoined with Venus, the native can purchase land or house properties.


  1. If 4th house of Mars is posited in Dustanas- 6th, 8th, 12 house, the native cannot purchase any properties or construct house property.


  1. If Venus is conjoined with Mercury or Rahu or Saturn or Mars, the Native will have own house. But only if the above conditions apply

a)Venus + Mercury: The native will have duplex house, rich house or a commercial shopping complex. The native will have beautiful house with all exquisite furniture and all home appliances. The native will have Guest house or Farm house. If Venus is conjoined with Mercury and Rahu, the native will possess old house or dilapidated house as an ancestral property.

  1. b) If Venus and Mercury are conjoined in Pisces or Virgo, the native will have own house. This is a Neecha Bangha Raja Yoga
  2. c) Venus + Rahu: The native will have multi-storied building or Big Apartment or Mansion. There may be House properties in the name of his wife. The native will get more than two flats or house.
  3. d) Venus + Moon + Rahu: The Native will purchase luxury houses by taking loans. He will have to buy and sell houses due to debts.
  4. e) Venus + Mer + Moon + Mars + Ketu: House or Land Properties may be under litigation. Properties may be ceased by E D.


  1. d) Venus + Saturn: The native will purchase house after marriage. There will be house properties in the name of his wife.


  1. e) Venus + Sat + Sun: If Saturn and Sun are conjoined with Venus, the native will live in Govt allotted Quarters.


  1. f) Venus + Mars: The native will have an ordinary house. House may be constructed with Size Stones.


  1. g) Venus + Sat + Sun + Mars: When Saturn, Sun, Mars are conjoined with Venus, the native if police or army personal will live in police or military quarters or Cantonment lands.
  2. h) Venus + Sat + Jup + Sun: If the native is a Minister or Secretary or IAS/IPS officers, he may live in MLA or MP or Govt allotted Quarters


  1. f) Venus + Jupiter: the native will have beautiful house with exquisite furniture, luxury articles and home appliances. If Jupiter and Venus is exchanged, the native will have own house.
  2. If Venus is posited in his own houses i.e Taurus and Libra or in Mercury Houses i.e Gemini and Virgo or in Jupiter’s houses i.e Sagittarius and Pisces, the native will have Duplex Building or Commercial complex or apartments if the above 4 conditions apply.
  3. If Ketu is placed in the 2nd house from Jupiter, the Native is interested in living in upper floors only, not in ground floor. So the naive has to use staircase or lift to reach his flat. The Native may have thatched house.

Traditional Astrology:

  1. When the lord of 4th house from Lagna is conjoined with Benefics in Kendra or Trikona, the native will possess good home.
  2. If the lords of 4th and 10th are conjoined together with Saturn and Mars, the native acquires innumerable mansions.
  3. If Venus and Mercury are conjoined in Pisces or Virgo, the native will have own house. This is a Neecha Bangha Raja Yoga. Exalted Venus in Kendra or Trikona gives House yoga.